Following Midlets / J2ME projects were coded for my Nokia C2-01 using Netbeans 6.8 and MIDP2.1/CLDC1.1. I have not tested them on any other mobile phone, so you have to try yourself in case you are interested in. Of course for just having a look the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit respectively Java ME SDK is thoroughly sufficient.
All packages include the compiled JAR archive, the source code and the Netbeans project space.Scroll this site down for older projects from 2k4 for the Nokia 3200
Date : July 2011
Source available : YES
Description :
Just displays various properties of the mobile phone, like display size, colors, MIDP version etc.
Download package (40KB)
Here are some games I coded for my Nokia 3200 mobile phone. You can use it on every java-compatible mobile phone; no nokia specific apis are used. But on screens with size other than 128x96 pixels, the results will be pretty ugly cause the games are optimized for this screen size of my mobile phone.
All games are written in NetBeans 3.6 + Mobility Modules. (J2ME device configuration version: CLDC 1.0; J2ME device profile version: MIDP 1.0).
Date : February 2005
Source available : YES
Description :
I always wanted tetris on my mobile phone... so I decided to code it myself :-)
Download package (79KB)
Date : Spring 2005
Source available : NO
Description :
Can you remember Sokoban? I played this cool little game on my 386-16Mhz very often... it's one of the best idea for a game concept ever in my opinion. Cause the display is so small, I implemented two view modes: the first one shows the whole level, the second one has better & bigger graphics. Sokoban is Copyright 1982 by Thinking Rabbit.
Source and Executable lost :-(
Date : Second half in 2004
Source available : NO
Description :
You have to put the appearing people in the three elevators. The less peolple with different colors are in one elevator, the faster goes the elevator and the faster it's back on the ground ready to take new people...
Source and Executable lost :-(
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