Bastian Molkenthin - Sunshine2k

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Name Bastian Molkenthin
Age oh no... years
Home Heilbronn County, Germany
Profession Senior Software Development Engineer @ Vector Informatik GmbH
And what do you do there? Developing embedded software, mainly addressing LIN networks, but also working on many other topics on the world of AUTOSAR and software development in general (requirements engineering, software design, testing solutions for embedded systems, customer integration support, customer projects, ...
Favourite Coding Languages C and C#
Additional Used Coding Languages Java, C++, Perl, Python, Delphi (Pascal), Assembler, Typescript, Javascript, CAPL, HTML, CSS, VHDL, Verilog, NQC, Haskell, Prolog and... Brainfuck
Interested in Automotive Software Engineering, Embedded Systems, Windows API, Computer Graphics, Reverse Code Engineering, Image Processing, Algorithms, Video Encoding (H.264) and many more....
Knowledge in
  • AUTOSAR, LIN expert, Programming on various platforms with different languages, ...
  • Object-orientation, Automotive Software Engineering, ISO26262, CAN, LIN, OS, ...
  • Requirements Engineering & Analysis, Software Design, Testing, Software Integration, ...
  • Low-level development on different automotive plattforms (NXP (Freescale), ARM, Renesas, Infineon, Atmel, Microchip, ST, ...) with various development tools and compiler (IAR, Greenhills, Keil, Tasking, NXP CodeWarrior, ...)
  • Windows System Coding, MS Visual Studio, Eclipse, Netbeans, various Vector software like DaVinci tools, CANoe, CANape, ..., Xilinx ISE & Modelsim, Linux, Dreamweaver, SQL, Photoshop, and many many more....
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