the smallest enclosing disk in 2D |
Download Applet with Source (26 kb)
* By left-clicking in the blue area, you can set new points.
* By right-clicking points you can remove them.
* Note that they are also draggable.
* If you don't want to set many points manually, you can create a specified
number of random points automatically.
* The Clear-Button removes all points.
* Finally pressing the Go-Button calculates and draws the minimal enclosing
The applet you
see above is my own implementation of Welzl's algorithm which computes the minimal
enclosing circle. I came around this algorithm while learning for my oral exam
in Computer Graphics and I thought why not trying to visualize it.
This algorithm was presented by Welzl in 1991 [1] and runs
(in contrast to most other algorithms for solving this prolbem) in linear time!
what it is all about? Let's say we have a set P of n points in the plane, we want to calculate the closed disk of smallest radius D(P) which contains all points in P. Look at the picture left: we have a number of red points; the blue circle is the smallest one which contains all red points. So how to find this smallest circle (which means how to find its center and its radius) - that's the question! |
First of all, it's easy to prove that such a smallest enclosing disk (sed) is unique. Assume we have two smallest disks D1and D2. That means that each disk contains the points in P, so also the intersection D с D1u D2 must contain them. But a circle around D has a smaller radius than the disks D1and D2, so our assumption of two different smallest disks fails and we proved the uniqueness. The figure below should make it clear:
algorithm works now step by step: assume we know already a sed (smalled enclosing disk) D
for n-1 points p1,...,pn-1.
Now there are two cases for the nth point.
1) pn lies inside D.
So nothing changes - the sed D for p1,...,pn-1
is the same for p1,...,pn!
2) pn lies NOT inside D.
So we have to compute a new sed. But we know (that's a fact) that pn must lie
on the boundary of D, call it BD! So we have to calculate
a sed D' for p1,...,pn-1
with pn on the boundary of D'.
fact, that's the main idea. This property along with the three following claims
allows us to calculate such a smallest enclosing disk in an iterative way:
Let P again be a set of n points, P
is not empty and p is a point in P. R
is also a set of points, in fact these are the points on the boundary of the
disk. Then the Lemma says:
(i) If there exists a disk containing P with R
on its boundary, then D(P,R) is well defined = unique.
(ii) If p lies not in D(P - {p},R), then p lies on
the boundary of D(P,R), provided it exists, meaning:
D(P,R) = D(P - {p}, R u {p}).
(iii) If D(P,R) exists, there is a set S
of most max{0, 3 - |R|} points in P such that D(P,R)
= D(S,R). That means that P is determined
by at most 3 points in P which lie on the boundary
of D(P).
With this information, one can implement this algorithm in a recursive way. Of course, as in all recursions, there are terminal or end cases in which you can calculate the solution directly. Here it is if we have 3 points only: a minimal circle in this case has the 3 points on the boundary and it's definitely determined (if the three points lie not on a common line!). In my implementation I also considered the cases with only 1 and 2 points. In fact I found it quite difficult to get the algorithm working - curius was that when I used arrays to hold the points the recursion works, but when I used vectors very strange things happened... Nevertheless, now it works and I hope you found my notes along the applet and its sources useful!
/* function
sed(P,R) |
[1] Smallest enclosing disks (balls and ellipsoids), Emo Welzl, 1991
Sunshine, May 2008
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